The Journey to Eagle Scout: An Interview with Nate Alcalde - Building a Giant Chess Set

Recently, MegaChess was proud to support the efforts of Nate Alcalde, from Troop 306, complete his Eagle Scout project of constructing a giant chess set in a local park.

Being an Eagle Scout offers several benefits including: significant personal growth and character development, enhanced leadership skills, increased confidence, potential advantages in college admissions and job applications, a strong network of fellow Eagle Scouts, and the ability to demonstrate a high level of commitment and dedication to a challenging task throughout a long period of time; often leading to opportunities in military service as well.

We asked 2024 Eagle Scout Badge recipient Nate Alcalde to write about his experience in Scouting, why he chose to building a Giant Chess Set to attain his Eagle Scout Patch, and how he completed the project.

MegaChess: Thanks for sitting down with me today! Let’s start at the beginning. How did you first get involved in scouting?

Nate: I joined Cub Scouts as a Tiger Scout in elementary school. It was a blast—playing games with my friends and having fun. At that time, I didn’t fully grasp what it meant to be an Eagle Scout.

MegaChess: When did that start to change?

Nate: As I continued through Cub Scouts, I began to notice what Eagle Scouts were all about—how they gave back to the community. That inspired me. I decided I wanted to be an Eagle Scout, too.

MegaChess: What was your transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts like?

Nate: It was a big moment when I crossed over to Boy Scouts. I received an arrow for the Arrow of Light badge, and I remember being told that the first Scout in the den to earn the rank of Eagle would get another arrow. That motivated me! I’m pretty competitive, so it became a personal challenge.

MegaChess: Did you have any friendly competition along the way?

Nate: Definitely! After crossing over, I joined Troop 306, and one of my friends joined Troop 307. That competition kept us both pushing to earn Eagle first. By the time the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we were both First Class Scouts—about halfway to Eagle.

MegaChess: What other milestones stand out from your journey?

Nate: Oh, there are so many. I attended NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training), an incredible experience. It was a week-long camp where I learned how to lead younger Scouts and my troop. In 2022, I earned the rank of Life Scout and completed some cool challenges, like starting a fire with a hand-made friction bow drill and earning my Firecrafter badge.

I also joined the Order of the Arrow, a group focused on camping and service and went to amazing events like the National Jamboree in 2023, where I got to trade patches, zipline, and shoot pistols and shotguns. In the summer of 2024, I went to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico for a 12-day trek in the wilderness. We did everything from throwing tomahawks to spur climbing and even enjoyed a chuckwagon dinner on the last night.

MegaChess: Wow, those experiences sound incredible. Let’s talk about your Eagle project. What inspired it?

Nate: I started brainstorming for my project in December 2023 and eventually decided to build a giant chessboard. Initially, I thought about an 8x8-foot board, but after talking with my family, I decided to go even bigger—16x16 feet. I wanted it to be something unique and memorable.

MegaChess: How did you make it happen?

Nate: I began researching materials and found a company called MegaChess that sells large outdoor chess pieces. I contacted the Washington Township Parks Department, and they were excited about the project. I chose Pecar Park as the location.

I added a bench made from recycled plastic caps to make it even more special. I asked family, friends, and local businesses to save bottle caps, which was a big help since I needed 210 pounds of caps! After getting approval, I worked with stores like Menards, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and local donors to gather materials. I also raised funds by letting people sponsor chess pieces and display their names on them.

MegaChess: That’s impressive teamwork! What was the construction process like?

Nate: It all came together in early August 2024. Over two days, we dug a 16x16-foot area, filled it with sand and gravel, and used a plate compactor to level it out. Then, we placed 256 patio blocks for the chessboard and another smaller section for the bench. In total, the project took 356 man-hours from start to finish.

MegaChess: That’s an incredible amount of effort. How did it feel when it was finally complete?

Nate: I was so proud. This project represented everything I had worked toward since joining Cub Scouts. It felt amazing to see it come to life and know that I was finally becoming an Eagle Scout.

MegaChess: And when did you officially earn the rank of Eagle?

Nate: On September 18, 2024. That was the day of my Eagle Board of Review, and I officially became an Eagle Scout. It was a fulfilling moment and the culmination of years of hard work and determination.

MegaChess: Congratulations! What would you say to younger Scouts hoping to follow in your footsteps?

Nate: I’d tell them that the journey is worth it. Scouting is filled with amazing experiences, and the sense of accomplishment when you reach Eagle is unmatched. Enjoy every step of the way—because the fun and challenges along the journey make it so rewarding. 


1 comment

Gina Hemersbach

Gina Hemersbach

So proud of the man you are becoming! Great job Nate the Great!

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